シリーズ | A Theology of Japan: Monograph Series Vol.4 |
編著者 | Atsuyoshi Fujiwara ed. |
判型 | B5変 |
ページ数 | 110 ページ |
製本 | 並製 |
発行日 | 2009年12月 |
ISBN | 978-4-915832-84-0 C3316 |
定価 | 2,750円(10%税込) |
在庫 | あり |
This volume contains Professor Hideo Ohki’s writings on the project he initiated, “a theology of Japan.” It also contains a response to “a theology of Japan” from the West by Dr. Alan Suggate.
Part Ⅰ
A Theology of Japan: Response (Alan Suggate)
Professor Hideo Ohki and the Project of a “Theology of Japan” (Atsuyoshi Fujiwara)
Part Ⅱ
Why Protestantism? ―Theological Questions Unique to Asia (Hideo Ohki)
Theology in the 21st Century Northeast Context (Hideo Ohki)
Church and State: A Japanese Perspective ―Part I (Hideo Ohki)
Church and State: A Japanese Perspective ―Part II (Hideo Ohki)