シリーズ | A Theology of Japan: Monograph Series Vol.5 |
編著者 | Tomoaki Fukai Christoph Schwöbel Alister McGrath Yoshiaki Matsutani, et al. |
判型 | B5変 |
ページ数 | 119 ページ |
製本 | 並製 |
発行日 | 2009年12月 |
ISBN | 978-4-915832-85-7 C3316 |
定価 | 2,750円(10%税込) |
在庫 | あり |
This fifth volume contains selected essays from two conferences that Seigakuin University General Research Institute hosted in 2008, “Rethinking the Tradition of Liberal Democracy since World WarⅡ” and “Trinitarianism:Going Beyond Criticism from Monotheism and Radical Pluraism.”
Introduction: Democracy and Protestantism(Tomoaki Fukai)
Part Ⅰ
The Protestant Churches in Germany and the Challenge of Democracy (Christoph Schwöbel)
Christian Reflections on Secular Democracy in the West(Alister McGrath)
The Emperor-as-a-symbol System and the Future Choice of Japan: From a Christian Perspective(Yoshiaki Matsutani)
General Response(Tadashi Aruga)
A Response to Prof. Schwöbel’s Presentation (Hideya Matsuo)
A Response to Prof. A. McGrath: Liberal democracy
as a tentative attempt between peculiar Christian faith and Christianity generally applicable to all(Atsuyoshi Fujiwara)
A Response to Prof. Matsutani’s Presentation (Michiyo Morita)
Part Ⅱ
Radical Monotheism and the Trinity (Christoph Schwöbel)
Deism or Trinitarianism?: The case of natural theology (Alister McGrath)