<A Theology of Japan>シリーズ
Japanese and Korean Theologians in Dialogue: Establishing the Dignity of Life / Forming a Theology of Confession, Forgiveness, and Reconcilliation
本書は、聖学院大学(日本)と長老会神学大学校(韓国)の主催する「日韓神学者学術会議」の報告書。第Ⅰ部:いのちの尊厳を確立する(2014年)、第Ⅱ部:告解、赦し、和解の神学形成(2016年)、第Ⅲ部:スピリチュアル談話、いのちの尊厳、日韓和解に関する論考。<A Theology of Japan>シリーズ
Raising Leaders through Sufferings beyond Walls: Centurial Vision for Post-disaster Japan
Raising Leaders through Suffering beyond Walls reports on the Third Great East Japan Earthquake International Theological Symposium. It features addresses by Fuller Seminary Professor Juan Martínez and by David Boan and George Kalantzis of Wheaton University, along with reflections from leaders of Catholic, mainline, and evangelical churches in Japan. The book also discusses the Christian Forum for Reconciliation in Northeast Asia, held in Nagasaki in 2015. Part Iには第3回東日本大震災国際神学シンポジウム「苦難を通し、壁を越えて、次の世代へ」におけるフラー神学大学院のホァン・マルティネス、ホィートン大学のデーヴィッド・ボーァン、ジョージ・カランティスの講演、パネリストの発題、分科会報告等を所収。 Part IIにはデューク大学神学部和解センター「北東アジアキリスト者和解フォーラム」主催の国際シンポジウム「北東アジアにおける和解と平和のための祈り」(2015.4, 長崎原爆資料館)をめぐるエッセイを所収。<A Theology of Japan>シリーズ
Reinhold Niebuhr, Christian Realism, and Social Ethics
This book features the keynote speeches by professors Robin W. Lovin of Southern Methodist University, U.S.A. and Sun Bihn Yim of Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, Korea, with responses by Japanese scholars at the International Symposium on “Reinhold Niebuhr: His Religious, Social, and Political Thought” (June, 1913). It also includes lectures on the relationship between state and religion and Reinhold Niebuhr and Christian realism delivered by Professor Lovin at International Christian University, Tokyo Union Theological Seminary, and Seigakuin University Graduate School. 国際シンポジウム「ラインホールド・ニーバーの宗教・社会・政治思想」の主題講演とレスポンス、および、その他の講演<A Theology of Japan>シリーズ
The Church Embracing the Sufferers, Moving Forward: Centurial Vision for Post-disaster Japan: Ecumenical Voices
第二回東日本大震災国際神学シンポジウム「苦難に寄り添い前に向かう教会」(2013.3)講演集。東日本大震災国際神学シンポジウム「いかにしてもう一度立ち上がるか:これからの100年を見据えて」の第二弾。フラー神学大学院リチャード・J・マオ学長の講演、パネリストの発題、分科会・全体会報告等を所収。教派・教会を超えた支援の働きを振り返り、今後必要な教会およびキリスト者の姿勢を提言する。 The Church Embracing the Sufferers, Moving Forward continues the task of A Theology of Japan 6: Post-disaster Theology from Japan. The lectures and seminar reports included here are from the Great East Japan Earthquake Second International Theological Symposium held in March 2013 that marked the second anniversary of the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster. It begins with the keynote address by Fuller Theological Seminary President Richard Mouw, “Serving a Suffering Savior in ‘the Time of God’s Patience.’” In the panel discussion and seminars that followed, a variety of voices from within Japan reflect on and relate the experience of the church as it has dealt with the aftermath of the disaster and sought to take positive steps forward towards recovery and rebuilding. Topics include student volunteer work and the Christian university, Catholic Church volunteer bases, art therapy for pastors from the affected areas, support for children, Christian and Buddhist services for the dead, nuclear power and radiation contamination, and the role of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.<A Theology of Japan>シリーズ
Post-disaster Theology from Japan: How Can We Start Again? Centurial Vision for Post-disaster Japan
This monograph series, A Theology of Japan, is an attempt to theologically critique problems that Japan faces. We do not consciously contextualize Christian theology into some uniquely “Japanese” way, but rather seek to deal with these issues from theological perspectives. In this volume, Post-disaster Theology from Japan, theological voices from Japan attempt to interpret and respond to the First Great East Japan Earthquake one year after the disaster. 第Ⅰ部には東日本大震災国際神学シンポジウム「いかにしてもう一度立ち上がるか――これからの100年を見据えて」発表論文を所収。<A Theology of Japan>シリーズ
“A Theology of Japan” and the Theology of Hideo Ohki
This volume contains Professor Hideo Ohki’s writings on the project he initiated, “a theology of Japan.” It also contains a response to “a theology of Japan” from the West by Dr. Alan Suggate.<A Theology of Japan>シリーズ
Protestantism and Democracy
This fifth volume contains selected essays from two conferences that Seigakuin University General Research Institute hosted in 2008, “Rethinking the Tradition of Liberal Democracy since World WarⅡ” and “Trinitarianism:Going Beyond Criticism from Monotheism and Radical Pluraism.”<A Theology of Japan>シリーズ
History of Japan and Christianity
The history of Japan has been indirectly or directly influenced by Christianity more than may be apparent, as this volume so ably shows. The understanding presented here is indispensable for any theological inquiry into Japan, or”Theology of Japan”<A Theology of Japan>シリーズ
Church and State in Japan Since World War II
The symposiasts included Noriyoshi Tamaru(Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University)from Japan, F. W. Graf(Professor, Munich University)from Germany, and W. J. Everett(Professor Emeritus, Andover-Newton Theological Seminary)from the United States. This issue includes all of their presented papers as well as the responses to them.<A Theology of Japan>シリーズ
A theology of Japan: Origins and Task in the Age of Globalization
This first volume of the monograph series, A Theology of Japan explores a theology that arose in post-war Japan and moved out to Asia and the rest of the world. It also considers from a theological perspective the sixty years following the end of the war.